
Stress Less

Residential Care

Finding the right and appropriate place for your loved one can be a very stressful time, emotions are running high and often families do not know where to begin. More often than not changes to the elderly can happen suddenly and take you by surprise.

At Stress Less we know the emotions involved as those who we love begin to struggle in maintaining their independence; we are here to assist you in navigating the often complex Aged care system, step by step.

We will provide independent, customised and impartial advice regarding Residential Care facilities, enabling you and your family to make informed decisions about what facility will be the most appropriate to match your required needs and that of your loved one.

We will arrange tours for you and accompany you on these to ensure the necessary questions are asked.

We will fill out the application forms and all the necessary paperwork for you, giving you the time for the more important things.

To arrange a confidential consultation in the comfort of your home please contact us